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The Battle Between Illegal Drugs and Homelessness-Image

Written by Jessica Creviston

There are many reasons for someone to end up without a home, financial deficit being a main component, but another reason that can be traced to homelessness is the use and selling of illegal drugs. Illegal drugs are easily abused which causes harm to families and people around the world. This abuse can lead to addiction and addiction leads to choices such as spending money on drugs instead of rent or food. When a person makes the decision to continue illegal drug use, most other parts of their life fall to pieces.

Even if a person is financially stable and seemingly has a great family environment in their home, drugs can swiftly change these positive surroundings. Addiction causes the loss of an understanding of what should come first in life, therefore a person leading a life of illegal drug use very well has the potential to ruin their relationships with their family, who may kick the drug user out of their home. Drug abuse correlates with irresponsibility which creates strife in a workplace, leading to the drug user more than likely becoming unemployed and homeless.

It is estimated that between 25 percent and 40 percent of the United States’ homeless population suffers from alcohol abuse or drug abuse or both. This problem’s origin may differ from person to person, such as abuse being the reason they are homeless, or being homeless is the reason for their addiction. Drugs are seen as a way of coping with harsh situations. They allow for what seems like an escape from reality to an abuser. Furthermore, once the process of illegal drug use has started, it is quite difficult to stop.

Selling drugs is another component of homelessness. This may provide income for a period of time but it is dangerous and inconsistent. A dealer is likely to be put in jail and, after serving time, come back out to the world with no money and no place to call home. Homelessness is also possible via the lifestyle that is generally lived by those selling drugs. They may be raided by people in want of the drugs the dealer has or they simply may not make enough money to live off of.

There are many ties to homelessness whether someone is abusing illegal drugs or selling illegal drugs. If a homeless addict is found on the street by someone willing to help, there are some viable options for this homeless person. Rehab facilities and hospitals may give their aid pro bono to a homeless person but generally not for long enough to definitively make a change in the homeless person’s life. Addicts are unlikely to be accepted into a community such as homeless shelters because of their past choices and the danger they may bring to the people already living in the homeless shelter.

Illegal drugs and the homeless are tied together in many ways, but none of them are beneficial. The homeless are likely to become involved with drugs -if they have the money for it- because of their yearning to get a since of relief from their real-life situation, yet there is very little help when it comes to stopping this endemic. Rehabilitation facilities and hospitals should offer help to those at higher risk for drug abuse to therefore decrease the amount of addicts on the street.

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