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Art and Learning

Students of all ages are likely to gain an advantage from learning and experiencing the arts according to the National Assembly of State Arts Agencies. In a 2006 report, they wrote that studying art in its various forms is becoming accepted as a critical part of becoming successful in school and work.

In 1994, Congress passed the Goals 2000: Educate America Act. This was the first time the arts were recognized as part of the core curriculum by the federal government which was a critical step in recognizing the arts as an essential part of academic achievement. In a study by the UCLA, researchers discovered that students who were more heavily involved in the arts scored higher on standardized tests than those that were less involved. They also spent less time watching television, more time in community service, and were less likely to be bored in school.

Various independent studies have also shown that increased involvement in the arts have a positive effect on math and verbal scores on the SAT. In a 2005 study, it was shown that students who did four years of course work in the arts did better than their peers who took one year of art classes or less. Students more involved in art outscored their peers by 58 points on the verbal portion and 38 points on the math portion of the SAT.

Although it is noted that course work in the arts helps improve learning and encourages creative thinking, it is slowly being removed from our schools. Schools all over the country are cutting funding for the arts in an effort to save money. Poor districts in the inner cities and rural areas are hit particularly hard.

Here at T’s 4 Hope we understand the importance and value of the arts. We encourage involvement in the arts in school and outside of school because it can lead to an overall improvement in the lives of many. It helps encourage creative and critical thinking which are essential skills in the work force. If you would like to donate inspirational sayings, poems, or illustrations, we would be more than happy to include them on our t-shirt designs. To get involved, please contact us at or 954-867-6765.


Ruppert, S.S. (2006). Critical Evidence: How the Arts Benefit Student Achievement. National Assembly of State Arts Agencies.

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