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Poverty, Hunger, & Single Parents

The National Commission on Hunger reported that 40% of children in the United States are born to unmarried parents (2015). Among unmarried couples, 69% of pregnancies are unplanned compared to 35% among married couples (National Commission on Hunger, 2015). Children growing up in single parent households (with particular attention to single-mother households) are more likely to experience poverty and the problems related to it than those who grow up in a household headed by a married couple (National Commission on Hunger, 2015).

It is common for homes with a single wage-earner to have lower incomes (National Commission on Hunger, 2015). Women with children under 18 earned less than men and women without children and they also earned less than men with children (National Commission on Hunger, 2015). The poverty rate among single-father households is 15.7% and 30.6% in single-mother households compared to 6.2% in households headed by a married couple (National Commission on Hunger, 2015).

Households headed by a married couple experience hunger among individuals at a rate of 3.5% compared to 13.2% in households headed by a single mother and 7.2% in those headed by a single father (National Commission on Hunger, 2015). Parents often attempt to shield from hunger their children by eating less (National Commission on Hunger, 2015). This usually affects their ability to balance work, self-care, and parenting (National Commission on Hunger, 2015).

Hunger and poverty affects many in our society but the effects are more prevalent among single-parent homes. These homes typically have a lower income because there is usually only one wage-earner. Because of that, these homes experience hunger at a higher rate than those with two parents. Adults who protect their children form the effects of hunger do so at their own expense. Here at T’s 4 Hope, we aim to spread awareness of poverty, hunger, and the problems associated with them. We wish to inspire people to volunteer and help make a difference in their communities. If you would like to volunteer, please contact us at or 954-867-6765.


National Commission on Hunger. (2015).

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