Oregon Food Bank, (503) 282-0555
Northeast Emergency Food Program, (503) 284-5470
Allen Temple Food Pantry, (503) 284-1010
C3 Food Pantry, (971) 600-2337
Crossroads Foodbank, (503) 257-9345
Sunshine Division, (503) 823-2102 ( Sunshine Division is a program that provides food and clothing relief to Portland families and individuals in need. )
Lift Urban Portland Pantry, (503) 221-1224
Neighborhood House Food Pantry, (503) 246-1663
Clay Street Table, (503) 449-4969 ( Clay Street Table is a meal program and food pantry that has became a major source of food for those experiencing poverty and homelessness in the area. )
Food Distribution Center - Loaves & Fishes Centers, The Meals-on-wheels People, (503) 736-6325
The Pongo Fund Pet Food Bank, (503) 939-7555
Food Distribution Center - Urban Gleaners, (503) 226-8061
Food Distribution Center - The Salvation Army Portland Tabernacle, (503) 239-1264
Food Distribution Center - Saint Mark's Lutheran Church-food Pantry, (503) 777-1443
Food Distribution Center - Saint Andrew's Episcopal Pantry, (503) 283-3511
Food Distribution Center - Partners for a Hunger-Free Oregon, (503) 595-5501
Food Distribution Center - Fish Emergency Service, (503) 233-5533
Hereford House Pantry, (503) 568-4366
Sisters of the Road Cafe, (503) 222-5694 ( Sisters of the Road Cafe is a program that wants to end poverty and homelessness by providing nourishing meals in a safe, dignified space. )
Food Distribution Center - NW Portland Ministies, Inc., (503) 221-1224
Food Distribution Center - Oregon Faith Roundtable Against Hunger, (503) 731-9519
Food Distribution Center - Wic State Agency - Oregon, 800) 723-3638
Oregon Food Bank WC, (503) 439-6510
Food Distribution Center - The Salvation Army-gresham, (503) 661-2704
Food Distribution Center - Portland Organizing Project, (503) 235-6233
Food Distribution Center - Clackamas Service Center, (503) 799-3585
Food Distribution Center - Portland Rescue Mission, (503) 906-7619
Food Distribution Center - Join: A Center For Involvement, (503) 232-2031
Food Distribution Center - Association Of Oregon Community, (503) 223-4041
Food Distribution Center - Saint Luke Lutheran Church, (503) 246-2325
Food Distribution Center - Sacred Hannah Pantry, (503) 935-7297
Mainspring Portland, (503) 233-5533 (Mainspring Portland has food secure for families and seniors that need help. )
Francis Center, (503) 775-6784 ( The Francis Center is a non-profit food and clothing pantry. )
Food Distribution Center - Portland Farmers Market, (503) 241-0032
Food Distribution Center - Snowcap Community Charities, (503) 674-8785
St Andrews Episcopal Fd Pantry, (503) 247-3511
Food Distribution Center - Growing Gardens, (503) 284-8420
PACS - Portland Adventist Community Services, (503) 252-8500
Food Distribution Center - Religious Outreach Committee, (503) 236-5573
Food Distribution Center - Oregon Law Center, (503) 295-2760
Food Distribution Center - Ecumenical Ministries, (503) 221-1054
Food Distribution Center - Habitat For Humanity Of Oregon,
Food Distribution Center - Albina Ministerial Alliance, (503) 285-0493
Food Distribution Center - Mercy Corps Northwest, (503) 236-1580
Food Distribution Center - Oregon Food Bank - Washington County Services, (503) 439-6510
Food Distribution Center - Grace Christian Fellowship,(503) 286-2085
St. Juan Diego Food Pantry, (503) 985-6064
Food Distribution Center - Portland Community Gardens (parks And Recreation), (503) 823-1612
Food Distribution Center - The Salvation Army, Moore Saint Corps, (503) 493-3925
Rock Creek Church Pantry, (503) 645-2525
Food Distribution Center - Blessed Temple Community Church, (503) 297-4659
Food Distribution Center - Community Health Partnership, (503) 227-5502
Tualatin Valley Gleaners, (503) 719-9890
Food Distribution Center - Food Train/food Depot, (503) 234-5287
Food Distribution Center - Mercy Corps, (503) 796-6800
The Salvation Army - Portland Moore Street Community Center, (971) 340-4010
Burnside Shelter (Portland Rescue Mission), (503) 906-7690
Day Break Shelter, (503) 477-9724
Transition Projects Willamette Center Shelter, (503) 488-7750
A Home for Everyone, (503) 988-2525
Portland Homeless Family Solutions, (503) 915-8306
Access & Assessment Center, (503) 223-2050
River District Navigation Center, (503) 280-4700
Transition Projects Safety Off the Streets (SOS) Shelter, (503) 488-7764
Transition Projects Doreen's Place Shelter, (503) 280-4664
Rose Haven Day Shelter for Women and Children, (503) 248-6364
Transition Projects Walnut Park Shelter, (503) 488-7761
CityTeam Portland, (503) 231-9334 ( CityTeam Portland offers help and hope to the neighbors in need with hot meals, groceries, shelter, housing and restorative programs, learning and career help. )
Kenton Women's Village, (503) 558-5628 ( Kenton Women's Village is a service that wants sustainability and livability of all neighbors.)
United States Mission,(503) 288-9294 ( United States Mission purpose is to provide residents with a long term clean and sober home with quality meals and a self-help work program that provides each person with the opportunity of turning their lives around. )
Porch Light & Street Light Youth Shelters, (503) 432-3986
Transition Projects Resource Center, (503) 280-4700
Portland Homeless Family Solutions, (503) 915-8306
Salvation Army Female Emergency Shelter, (503) 227-0810
Human Solutions, (503) 548-0200 ( Human Solutions counters the forces that keep people and communities in poverty by building relationships and assets that create opportunity. )
The Harbor (Portland Rescue Mission), (503) 647-7466
Transitions Projects TPI, (503) 280-4700
Wy'East Mens Transitional Homeless Shelter, (503) 488-7766
Do Good Multnomah Veterans Shelter, 503) 490-0285
Shepherd's Door (Portland Rescue Mission), (503) 647-7466
Bradley Angle, (503) 232-1528 ( Bradley Angle has Survivor Resources for people that need help with problems their facing. )
Francis Center, (503) 775-6784( The Francis Center is a non-profit food and clothing pantry. )
Transition Projects Veterans Services, (503) 280-4762
Operation Nightwatch, (503) 852-1070
( Operation Nightwatch provides nighttime hospitality for Portland's unhoused population. )
Community of Hope, (503) 852-1070 ( Community of hope exists to empower homeless single-parents families to hope, healing, and stability while living in a safe, supportive environment. )
Blanchet House, (503) 241-4340 ( Blanchet House offers food, shelter and aid to all those in need of a safe place. )
Burnside Shelter (Portland Rescue Mission), (503) 906-7690
Marion Polk Food Share, (503) 581-3855
Hope Station Community Services Inc, (503) 339-7710
St Vincent De Paul Society, (503) 364-3210 (St Vincent De Paul Society wants to help people in need. )
The Salvation Army Family Services Building, (503) 585-6688
Food Distribution Center - Oregon Housing And Community Services, (503) 986-2000
Food Distribution Center - Oregon Department Of Education, (503) 378-3600
Food Distribution Center - New Hope, 503) 370-8886
Mano A Mano, (503) 363-1895 ( Mano A Mano wants to help families in need with many programs. )
West Salem United Methodist, (503) 363-3035 ( West Salem United Methodist helps the homeless and people in need with food and resources. )
New Harvest Church, (503) 763-6911 ( New Harvest Church has food boxes for people in need every two weeks. )
Salem Keizer Meals On Wheels, (503) 364-2856
Queen of Peace Catholic Church, (503) 364-7202 (Queen of Peace Catholic Church has helpful resources and food boxes once a month.)
St Francis Shelter, (503) 588-0428
Family Promise of the Mid-Willamette Valley, (503) 370-9752
HOAP, (503) 588-5827 ( HOAP wants to keep the Community Healthy. )
Union Gospel Mission of Salem, (503) 362-3983 ( Union Gospel Mission of Salem wants to help men, women and children break free from homelessness. )
Women at the Well Grace House, (971) 600-3627 ( Women at the Well Grace House team works with each woman that comes in as an individual to create a self-sufficiency program that will empower them and lead them towards a fully self-sufficient lifestyle.)
The ARCHES Project, (503) 399-9080 ( The ARCHES Project is a program for housing instability and homelessness. )
The Salvation Army Family Services Building, (503) 585-6688
HOME Youth & Resource Center, (503) 391-6428
Center for Hope & Safety, (503) 378-1572
Oregonians For Food & Shelter, (503) 370-8092
Northwest Human Services, (503) 585-7317
UGM of Salem, (503) 967-6388 ( UGM of Salem helps men, women and children break free from homelessness. )
Nwhs Host Youth & Family, (503) 588-5825 ( Nwhs Host Youth & Family has services to help families in need. )
United Way-Mid-Willamette Valley, (503) 363-1651 ( United Way-Mid-Willamette Valley focuses on supporting friends and neighbors in need. )
FOOD For Lane County, (541) 343-2822
Daily Bread, (541) 344-3380 ( Daily Bread has food boxes for people in the area. )
Food Distribution Center - Eugene Salvation Army, (541) 343-3328
Pray Big Food Pantry, (541)689-4010
Catholic Community Services Lane Co , (541) 345-3628
Food For Lane County Dining Room, (541) 343-2822
Fish, (541) 689-9750 ( Fish provides emergency food boxes, propane, and help paying for a medication to families in need. )
The Salvation Army Eugene Corps, (541) 343-3328 ( The Salvation Army Eugene Corps
helps people in need with fox boxes and services. )
Eugene Faith Center, (541) 686-9244
St. Vincent de Paul Society - Lindholm Service Center, (541) 461-8688
Willamette Farm & Food Coalition, (541) 341-1216
Eugene Mission, (541) 344-3251 ( Eugene Mission provides people in need with food and shelter. )
Burrito Brigade, (541) 556-5051 ( Burrito Brigade is a non-profit organization whose mission is to feed the hungry and unhoused in Oregon by hand-delivering vegan meals for free. )
Positive Community Kitchen, (541) 249-4942
Community Supported Shelters, (541) 683-0836
Shelter Care Safe Haven, (541) 741-7726
Womenspace,(541) 485-8232 ( Womenspace has been providing hope and safety to survivors of domestic violence for over 40 years. )
ShelterCare Housing Health &Wellness, (541) 686-1262
Lindholm Center, (541) 607-0439 ( Lindholm Center has many services for many people in need. )
Hosea Youth Services Project, (541) 344-5583
St Vincent de Paul Admin Office, (541) 687-5820 ( St Vincent de Paul Admin Office help individuals and families each year with emergency and homeless services. )
Looking Glass Community Services - Admin Office, (541) 686-2688 ( Looking Glass has proudly provided assistance to individuals in our community, helping them lead more productive and fulfilling lives. )
Human Services Division, (541) 682-3798
Looking Glass Station 7, (541) 689-3111 ( Looking Glass has proudly provided assistance to individuals in our community, helping them lead more productive and fulfilling lives. )
Zarephath Kitchen, (503) 667-7932 ( Zarephath Kitchen serves food to the homeless. )
Metro Church of Christ, (503) 667-0773 ( Metro Church of Christ gives daily food boxes.)
SnowCap Community Charities, (503) 674-8785 ( SnowCap Community Charities has a food pantry open. )
food4families, (971) 220-6679 ( Food for Families is a nonprofit mobile food pantry. )
My Father's House, (503) 492-3046 ( My Father’s House is a non-profit shelter ministry that opened to meet the needs of homeless families. )
Bethany House, (503) 667-8409 ( Bethany House exists to provide “shelter” homes and services for single, expectant women and their future babies. )
Food Distribution Center - Oregon Food Bank - Washington County Services, (503) 439-6510
Food Distribution Center - Hillsboro Family Resource Center, (503) 844-1688
Hillsboro Seventh-day Adventist Church, (503) 648-3922 ( Hillsboro Seventh-day Adventist Church has a food pantry. )
Salvation Army Tualatin Valley Citadel, (503) 640-4311( Every program Salvation Army Tualatin Valley Citadel offer is rooted in our passion to serve God by serving the lost, the vulnerable, the needy, the poor, the hurting, the helpless, and the hopeless. )
Food Distribution Center - Bienestar, (503) 693-2937
Food Distribution Center - William Temple House West, (503) 693-3519
Sonrise Church, (503) 640-2449 ( Sonrise Church has a shelter that is available seasonally for homeless individuals, a food pantry, and other various Outreach Ministries. )
St. Vincent de Paul Society, (503) 693-7528 ( St. Vincent de Paul Society helps those in need. )
Food Distribution Center - Comfort Zone, (503) 941-5194
Food Distribution Center - Open Door Counseling Center,(503) 640-6689
New Day Family Church, 503-848-2420 ( New Day Family Church has a food pantry. )
Family Promise, (503) 844-2919
( Family Promise is a program serving families experiencing homelessness. )
Community Action Family Shelter, (503) 640-3263
Saving Grace Maternity Home, (503) 407-7217 ( Saving Grace Maternity Home is a residential home experience for single young homeless women in an unplanned or crisis pregnancy, between the ages of 13-25. )
Food Distribution Center - Oregon Food Bank - Washington County Services, (503) 439-6510
Community Action Family Shelter, (503) 640-3263
Safe Place, (503) 542-2717 ( Safe Place shelter is a 24/7 drop-in program where youth can access essential services while longer-term housing is found. )
Community Action Organization, (503) 648-6646
Washington County Housing Services, (503) 846-4794