Why Bother Going to a Shelter?
Written by Cameron Chyun Among every issue concerning the American homeless, the availability of shelters is a common talking point....

The Hunger in Children
Written by Jessica Creviston Food insecurity, defined as lacking reliable access to a sufficient quantity of affordable, nutritious food,...

Survivors Hidden Among the Homeless
Written by Jessica Creviston National Domestic Violence Hotline: 800-799-7233 Put yourself in a victim’s shoes: your partner is an...

Sexual abuse among children. Why children leave homes.
Children are some of the purest things on this earth. Brought here due to others actions and they have to live through it. So, when cases...

No Safe Place: Children as Victims of Sexual Abuse and Homelessness
It is 11:00 PM on a Thursday night. You were hanging out with friends and you stayed a little later than usual. By the time you get home,...

The Weight of Motherhood in Relation to Homelessness
It was Sunday, March 14. I traveled home from college to visit family and friends for the weekend. Having spent time with friends and...

The LGBTQ+ Community and Homelessness: The Decimation of Human Decency
Two eras led to a drastically different one that society is experiencing now. Both the Baby Boomers and the Millennials had an immense...

Domestic Abuse
Blog by: Neil Sagare Domestic Abuse is a very bad term in today’s society and can cause major problems in society and in law enforcement....

Effects of Life Shocks on Homelessness
Emily Corso Homelessness in the United States has been an increasingly growing issues for several decades now, particularly in urban...

Effects of Homelessness on Pregnancy
Emily Corso The national rates of homelessness continue to rise, and among the most affected are mothers and children, in fact about 1 in...