Food Security
Blog by: Neil Sagare The World Food Summit of 1996 defined food security as existing “When all people at all times have access to...

A Never Ending Cycle
Blog by: Neil Sagare The term 'Malnutrition' has no all-around or acknowledged definition. It has been utilized to portray an...

Malnutrition and Children
You’ve seen the pictures and videos of the third-world child who looks starved practically to death. You’ve heard an American voice plead...

From the Front Lines to the Streets: Homeless Veterans and How to Help
A flood of flying bullets. An earthquake of missiles and sounds. You look to your left and see your comrade, fighting by your side. You...

Georgia: The Poultry State Full of Hungry People
By Henley Brock Moon The United States Interagency Council on Homelessness estimated there to be 10,443 Georgians experiencing...

Holidays Are Great, but They're Just the Beginning
One of the most popular things to do around the holidays is volunteering at a soup kitchen. Namely, Thanksgiving is a holiday in which...

Development in Children Experiencing Homelessness
Emily Corso The number of children experiencing homelessness is on the rise, with 1.6 million American children, about 40% of which are...

Companies Fighting World Hunger
Antion Williams-Brown Around the world many people go to bed hungry every day. But there are tons of companies formed around the world...

The food stamps budget
Every year the cost of housing and food continues to rise, causing countless Americans to have to depend on food stamps to feed their...

Fighting against Malnutrition in the United States and across borders
Malnutrition in the United States is a dilemma. Many people eat at fast-paced restaurants that lack vital nutrients and vitamins. For...